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Bondi Rd
Bondi, NSW, 2026

+61 (0)468 966 355

Woodfolk Natural Accessories is a stylish range made entirely of Natural materials and fabrics, and mindful of our environment.


Handmade, feminine, earthy and kind to our environment.

Lilac Half Moon Ceramic Necklace


Lilac Half Moon Ceramic Necklace



Total cord length 88cm.


Natural stoneware ceramic pendant and adjustable ceramic clasp, 100% recycled cotton cord.

Made by hand:

Designed and handmade in Australia by Julia Denes.


Made honestly and ethically using ceramic stoneware, our Lilac Half Moon Necklace features 100% recycled cotton cord in Natural, and has been designed with simplicity, femininity and earthiness. 

It helps you to feel good when you know that you are wearing jewellery ethically handmade from natural and responsibly sourced materials.

This piece comes packaged in our own 100% cotton pouches that have been handmade specifically by a wonderful women’s organisation in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal.

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  • FREE Australia wide on all orders over $80 usually arrives in 3-7 working days once dispatched. 

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